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Joining & Admissions

We would like your child’s transition to primary school to be a happy and smooth experience for your family. In order to do this we are continually trying to improve our links with home and playgroup, and many activities take place which are intended to aid transition. Visits, invitations to school functions, assemblies, and sessions in the infant classroom are encouraged between school and home/playgroup for both parent and child.

The transition to our primary school starts in the summer term before your child registers at the school.  There will be an afternoon each week where your child can come to LAMPS and play alongside their new classmates.  This enables your child to get to know their new teacher and other staff in school and become comfortable and familiar in our environment. Home visits are carried out by the Reception teacher and a teaching assistant during the summer term at the request of parents and visits to the child’s current nursery setting may also be arranged. There is also an induction evening at the end of the summer term, when parents can find out more practical information about the school and meet all the staff; we strongly recommend that our new parents attend this presentation.