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Nursery Provision

As of September 2020, we were very pleased to offer a Nursery Provision within our school.  Nursery provision is overseen by Mrs Lawson.  Mrs Lawson is a Senior Teacher and is also a Specialist Leader of Education, specialising in Early Years and Phonics.  Miss Mallinson is our Nursery and Reception class teacher and she is supported by Mrs Dalziel, a Senior Teaching Assistant and also Miss Darby, our Teaching Assistant Apprentice.  Together they form a hardworking team who will be fully committed to the care and development of your child.

When can my child start Nursery?

Children can start Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday. You will need to apply for either the September, January or April intake, depending on the month they were born.  If you wish to apply for a Nursery place you can contact the office to arrange a visit and we will be happy to provide you with the application forms.  Alternatively, you can download the forms here, complete them and return them to school, either by post or email, with a copy of your child’s birth certificate.