Pit Lane, Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0NB
01229 462710
Pit Lane, Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0NB
01229 462710
Towards the end of the Autumn Term and the Spring Term, a Parents’ Evening will be held. Parents are allocated a ten minute appointment with the class teacher in which to discuss their child’s progress and discuss targets for the coming term.
If, at any time you have any worries about any aspects of your child’s time at school, please make an appointment to speak with the class teacher or Head Teacher. Please do not feel that you have to wait until the next Parents’ Evening.
In July, a written report of your child’s progress for the whole year will be sent home. Any queries you may have can be discussed with your class teacher. For children in Year 2 and Year 6, the report will include the results of the Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) for English and Mathematics, which the children will have completed during the spring and summer terms.
In July you will also have the opportunity to have a look at your child’s work at our Open Afternoon.
Furness Education Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under Company Number 06895426 Registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office- Furness Academy, Park Drive, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA13 9BB
Copyright 2023/2024 Lindal & Marton Primary School