Pit Lane, Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0NB
01229 462710
Pit Lane, Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0NB
01229 462710
The role of the governing board is to:
Below is the structure of the Lindal and Marton Local Academy Committee (local governing body):
Name | Job Title | Terms | Voting | |
Sue Bennett (Chair) | Partnership | 4 years | Yes | |
Sara Graves (Vice Chair) | Partnership | 4 years | Yes | |
Andy Payne | Parent | 4 years | Yes | |
Louise Page | Parent | 4 Years | Yes | |
VACANCY | Partnership | 4 Years | Yes | |
Stephanie Mitson | Staff | 4 Years | Yes | |
Fiona Doran | Headteacher | Headteacher | – | Yes |
Lindal and Marton Governors Meeting attendance for 2023-2024 is available here.
The Register of Interests for Lindal and Marton Governors can be found here.
Minutes from Local Academy Committee and Board meetings are available upon request. Please contact the Furness Education Trust Clerk to request these (clerk@furnesseducationtrust.co.uk).
Furness Education Trust comprises of three members, nine Trustee and six co-opted Trustees at Trust level.
Members are responsible for appointing and removing Trustees and hold Trust Board to account for implementing the agreed strategy.
Trustees have ultimate responsibility for the running of all academies across the MAT. Trustees are responsible for the strategic oversight of the management of the Trust and also appoint the CEO and the CFO and hold them to account as well.
The authority for running each academy remains with the Headteacher and Local Academy Committee, as detailed above. This authority is defined in the scheme of delegation.
More information about the Trust governance structure can be found on our Trust website at Furness Education Trust Governance.
Furness Education Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under Company Number 06895426 Registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office- Furness Academy, Park Drive, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA13 9BB
Copyright 2023/2024 Lindal & Marton Primary School